The snow is melting -- Rupert the dog can finally move around the backyard in less than stomach-high snow and the Bird Girl has lost her snow cap (see pictures below).
Something about the warm temps, not having to wear two layers and not even wearing socks has got my mind spinning (knitting?) with ideas...
Oh yes, Sylvi is still in progress. I've finished one sleeve and started the next (That is Nikita, a.k.a. 2 of 5) in the picture. Knitting Kitty... Kitty Knitting....

But my timeline on Sylvi is long... next fall is my goal.... so I need to break things up with little projects. Reading someone's blog, I can't remember whose (sorry :( ) I saw this great pattern for the Easy Drop Stitch Scarf... read the instructions and determined I could knit this up pretty easily in front of the TV without too many opportunities for errors.

So I went searching through my stash and decided up this Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport in Tuscany -- I'm excited to see how it will turn out!
Of course I can knit without a recipient in mind so I've settled on this for my sister-in-law Kelly. (Well, she's not REALLY my sister-in-law, but that's another story.) I'm always talking about my knitting and what I'm making for who, but I've never made anything for her so I figure this should make up for things!
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