Well, yesterday was time for my monthly visit to our family shrink to discuss my mental well-being in the face of unemployed.
When I first learned the restaurant was going to close and that we'd both be out of work, I started having panic attacks at the thought of having to return to some high-powered corporate job like I'd had before that would just consume my person and all my time (before the restaurant, I was the Director of Interactive Media for a multi-media publishing company).
A visit to my good doctor result in orders to take a hiatus this summer and regroup both physically and emotionally.

I explained to him the felting process and ended up logging onto Ravelry on his computer and showing him this modified Groovy Striped Felted Bag that I just finished as a beach bag for my mother who lives on Lake Charlevoix. (Read post below to see how I modified the pattern!)
Then I showed him this blog... and he thought it was interested... now he'll probably read this to see how I'm really doing!
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